Are men more affected byacute and chronic pancreatitis than women?

What exactly is pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is caused by the breakdown of the digestive juices made by pancreases within the organ itself. Pancreatitis is the disease of the endocrine system characterized by nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and fever.
While acute pancreatitis is a short-term condition of the chronic condition is long-term and slowly destroys the whole organ.  Gallstones mainly trigger acute pancreatitis by blocking the pancreatic duct, whereas alcohol is the high-risk the factor for both acute and chronic pancreatitis.

Who isthe most affected?

Acute pancreatitis is mainly caused by alcoholism and gallstones. Alcoholism has been found to be the major reason why men are six times more likely to have pancreatitis, unlike women. Both acute and chronic pancreatitis are found to have a high prevalence in men when compared to women according to cohort studies.

Must you be wondering is pancreatitis a serious condition?

Yes, it is!

Depending on the severity, pancreatitis may require hospitalization and surgical intervention (mainly in case of chronic pancreatic). If neglected pancreatitis may lead to internal bleeding, infection, breathing difficulties, hamper food digestion and absorption of nutrients and other complications like diabetes, pseudocysts, and nutrient malabsorption. Chronic pancreatitis with delayed treatment is fatal and death rate is very high.  Thus, people with chronic pancreatitis need active surveillance by the clinician to prevent complications and reduce hospital stay.

If you are facing symptoms of pancreatitis, then you should consult best pancreas doctor in India.  Dr Amanjeet is the most reputed and highly experienced pancreatitis surgeon in Gurgaon. He uses a multidisciplinary approach to treat pancreatitis and has successfully handled various complicated cases and surgeries. Currently he is associated with Medanta Hospital in Gurgaon and offers comprehensive surgical services at affordable prices. 

Get early diagnosis to avoid complications of chronic pancreatitis!


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